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Security That Enables Digital Transformation: Gitex Global 2023

Mohammed Eissa, Regional Sales Director, MEA, Entrust shares their hopes and expectations for GITEX 2023.

Our world is evolving faster than ever. Technology has woven itself into our daily lives, bringing unprecedented convenience and posing new challenges. As we step into the 43rd edition of GItex Global, we are at a crossroads: a world where much of the way we interact and conduct business and commerce is digital first, and one where data, privacy, and identity are under rising threats.

Our ability to add trust and security into this digital-first world is the key to unlocking its many benefits to business, government, and our everyday lives.

At Entrust, securing the digital world isn’t just a mission; it’s wound into the very fibres of our DNA. We take this mission seriously because our customers take this mission seriously. We know that when we provide solutions that protect data, enable strong identities and secure payments, we are enabling everyday moments that require a high degree of trust. They are astonishingly easy for end users – and highly complex to implement.

As digital life accelerates, we‘re helping our customers solve bigger challenges, like Zero Trust frameworks and multi-cloud network security. We are enabling more seamless and secure travel, and readying enterprises for post quantum encryption. And we are helping banks and governments secure and enable digital-first journeys for account opening and government services.

This year, the focus on cybersecurity is a united effort to create a safer, more resilient cyberspace. It has garnered recognition from federal, state, and local governments, along with industry and academic leaders. Cybersecurity is a team sport. Our involvement at Gitex is a reflection of our mission and values, and we encourage everyone to join us on this journey. Together, we can build a safer, more resilient digital future.

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