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Real-World Impact of Advanced Analytics

Nader Kassir, Regional Director, Upper Gulf at SAS tells Tahawultech about the exciting developments within AI, taking place in the region.

What are your thoughts on the changes happening in data and artificial intelligence in Qatar? And how do you think these changes will influence the advancement of technology locally?

Exciting changes in data and artificial intelligence (AI) are happening rapidly in Qatar. These developments mean that it is evermore crucial for businesses in the region to keep pace, enabling them to push their organizations towards a new, innovative future. By providing business leaders with the best tools available, they can be assured that their decisions will make a solid impact upon the advancement of technology as a whole in the region. As AI is part of our everyday lives, not just on our smartphones and laptops, it is impossible for such changes to not have a groundbreaking impact. Local technology will see dramatic advances in order to stay up-to-date, especially when increased sales and better customer experiences are proven to be a direct result of such advancements. Those organizations that are agile and willing to evolve will be able to unlock a true competitive advantage.

What industries are currently benefitting the most from big data and analytics?

The finance, healthcare and manufacturing industries are seeing large benefits from these technological advancements. Financial corporations can utilize analytics to detect fraud, manage risks and personalize customer experience. Likewise, big data and analytics are being used by the healthcare industry for a wealth of reasons. From optimizing patient care to discovering new drugs and predicting diseases, the insight provided by big data and analytics is truly unparalleled. The benefits are equally welcomed in the manufacturing sector – operational efficiency is massively improving and logistics are optimizing routes and schedules, ultimately leading to reduced costs and enhanced customer satisfaction. These industries demonstrate the transformative power of big data and analytics in practice.

What do you believe are the primary goals of Qatar when it comes to fostering transformation as a strategic solution?

 Qatar’s primary goals in fostering technological transformation include boosting economic diversification, achieving sustainable development, and enhancing its global competitiveness. To achieve these, Qatar is investing heavily in knowledge-based industries such as technology and healthcare, underpinned by robust data analytics. Initiatives like the Qatar National Vision 2030 provide a strategic framework for these efforts, emphasizing the development of a knowledge-based economy. By investing in local talent through education, training programs and developing cutting-edge data infrastructure, Qatar is positioning itself as a leader in technological innovation. These efforts are bolstered by strategic international partnerships and collaborations, helping to bring global expertise and technologies to the local market. This comprehensive approach ensures that the benefits of AI and big data analytics are realized across all sectors, driving sustainable growth and diversification.

What’s your perspective on Qatar emerging as a burgeoning digital hub focused on facilitating digital transformation?

Qatar’s emergence as a burgeoning digital hub is a testament to its strategic investments in technology and innovation. The country’s commitment to digital transformation is evident through initiatives like the Smart Qatar (TASMU) program, which aims to harness advanced technologies to improve quality of life and drive economic growth. For Qatar to solidify its position as a digital hub, it is crucial that all industries embrace AI, machine learning, and analytics. By leveraging solutions such as SAS Viya, which integrates AI and advanced analytics into decision-making processes, businesses across various sectors can unlock new opportunities and efficiencies. Success stories from sectors like finance, healthcare, and logistics, where AI and analytics have significantly improved outcomes, further underscore Qatar’s potential. Additionally, the supportive regulatory environment and the government’s proactive approach in fostering innovation play a pivotal role in accelerating Qatar’s digital transformation. This comprehensive strategy not only enhances local capabilities but also attracts international tech companies and talent, reinforcing Qatar’s status as a leading digital hub.

What benefits do AI-enhanced analytics bring to your clients?

AI-enhanced analytics provide our clients with the ability to make trusted decisions that simultaneously accelerate time-to-value. A great example can be applied to our clients in the banking industry. SAS helps banking corporations employ a large host of technologies to gain a competitive edge by staying on top of technological advancements. These range from AI and analytics, to cloud and open banking APIs. To be even more specific, embedded AI and machine learning techniques can be applied by these businesses to detect fraudulent transactions in real-time data. This practical example is just one of the many ways in which AI-enhanced analytics provides assurance for corporations, with increased accuracy. Most importantly, such an additional level of security ensures that our clients are able to continue thriving alongside innovative, digital transformations.

What are the plans for SAS towards Qatar vision 2030?

SAS has plans to partner with the nation to truly harness the transformative potential of big data and analytics. The well-established, advanced analytical capabilities of SAS align with Qatar Vision 2023. To be specific, objectives such as economic diversification, sustainable development and global competitiveness can be achieved through the power of data-driven solutions. SAS aims to collaborate with Qatar’s government and organizations to implement these solutions through strategic partnerships and investments in talent development and infrastructure. This will drive innovation and enhance decision-making processes across a range of sectors, paving the nation’s path towards becoming an innovative, knowledge-based economy.

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