ISSUE # 289
Reseller ME September 2021
Danna Bethlehem, Director, Product Marketing, Access Management at Thales, Tells Anita Joseph, Editor, Reseller Me, Why Organisations Should Increasingly Be …
Sami Abi Esber, President – Midis System Integration, Board Member - Midis Group, tells RME why the MENA region is an exciting place to be in right now, with the strides it is making in digital transformation.
Loubna Imenchal, head of video collaboration for AMECA region (Africa, Middle East Turkey, and Central Asia), Logitech, on the growing importance of video collaboration and the immense potential of technology to bring people closer
Sasrik Vallath, division manager, DME Prolink, on how the company plans to focus on enhancing customer experience and identifying new opportunities, going forward.