Less than a month after a 12-hour-plus outage on Christmas Eve, Amazon Web Service’s Elastic Block Storage (EBS) service in its US-East availability zone experienced elevated error rates for about 45 minutes yesterday.
On January 9 at 1:36 p.m, ET AWS reported on its health status page that EBS volumes in its Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) were experiencing error rates and latencies. It did not say why. By 2:15 p.m. ET, the issue had been resolved. It’s unclear how many customers were affected.
The US-East-1 region has seen its fair share of issues during the past 18 months. In addition to the Christmas Eve outage, the Northern Virginia sites were also host to outages in October and others last summer and the year before.
Some analysts have suggested that continual service disruptions from Amazon could make customers look at other providers, not that they’ve necessarily got any better track records. Amazon CTO Werner Vogels has said in the past that failures are inevitable and Amazon and customers share a responsibility to ensure applications hosted in the company’s cloud are able to survive downtime.