Developers building solutions based on Microsoft's SharePoint collaboration and business process platform will gain expanded support in the planned Visual …

Developers building solutions based on Microsoft's SharePoint collaboration and business process platform will gain expanded support in the planned Visual …
Some Mozilla Corp. developers have recommended that the company consider yanking the new JavaScript engine, dubbed TraceMonkey, from Firefox 3.1 …
Desktop virtualization, with its promises of improved security, manageability and flexibility, may be on the verge of huge adoption, some …
The release helps companies manage larger amounts of data, scale to accommodate an expanding, globally distributed enterprise, and implement cost-saving …
Global virtualisation penetration is on pace to reach 20 per cent in 2009 from 12 per cent in 2008. Its …
RIM has developed a knack for pulling customers into new BlackBerry devices. That's no mean feat. BlackBerry is the most …
Sun Microsystems Inc. announced that it is throwing its hat into the standards arena, proposing that its open-source key management …
To help wireless and converged service providers meet the accelerating demand for broadband wireless data services, Alcatel-Lucent today introduced a …
In what came as a surprise to many Linux observers, Red Hat announced on the morning of February 16th that …
Back in 1991, before the Internet was a big deal, Ohio State University technologist Jerry Martin signalled the nascent Internet's …
Acer has jumped head first into the smartphone market with its Tempo family of devices. They are all touch-enabled and …
IBM plans to help customers broaden IT's reach beyond the data center and into managing physical environments, cloud services and …
UC Berkeley researchers have outlined their view of cloud computing, which they say has great opportunity to exploit unprecedented IT …
Intel expects WiMAX deployment to increase rapidly over the next year as the company projects that 800 million people worldwide …
Using cloud management software from IBM's Tivoli division and a Juniper network, the companies demonstrated a drag-and-drop interface for managing …
From the software concept called JeOS (pronounced “juice”), the Just Enough OS, to hardware concepts like Celio RedFly, an 8-inch …
IBM and Juniper on Monday provided a sneak peek at technology that lets enterprise IT managers easily reallocate computing resources …
The new Aironet 1140 access point uses the same mounting hardware as Cisco's existing Aironet 1250 11n products. But it …
Is WAN optimisation gaining popularity in the Middle East? What is driving the market? The Middle East market as a …
“With the Summit X650, Extreme Networks is the first and only network vendor to provide the market with a complete …