IP enables humans and machines to ‘talk’ to each other. It’s the foundation of the internet, and it works because it’s based on open industry standards. And it’s constantly evolving. New applications and use cases—such as 5G, Fiber Deep’s Converged Interconnect Network (CIN) architecture, and Edge Cloud—require that IP networks evolve to keep pace.
Networking, News
Saudi Arabia Mobily signs new deal to modernise IP networks
Etihad Etisalat (Mobily), a mobile and data service provider in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has awarded Nokia a contract to modernise and optimise its IP and optical networks.0 12531Oracle to buy Acme Packet
Oracle announced on Monday that it has agreed to pay $1.7 billion for Acme Packet, a network equipment vendor that …
March to megapixel
Despite the global economic downturn the market for IP video surveillance cameras and other associated equipments seem to have remained …