HPE Middle East is sharing how to unlock the power of AI, machine learning and data analytics all the way to the edge and the cloud, both public and private, at this year’s GITEX Technology Week.

The IT leader will also make a number of announcements around the investments that will help Governments achieve their aspirations.
“This year’s GITEX edition is very well aligned with our overall direction – the promise of tech as a force of good, to ‘synergise the mind’ and the economy, is incredible. Hewlett Packard Enterprise has proved to be a leading innovator of disruptive technologies to advance the way people live and work. We will explain how the Middle East can really benefit from next-generation technologies by introducing intelligent consumption and sustainability,” says Marc Waters, Managing Director for the UK, Ireland, Middle East and Africa, at HPE.
HPE has recently delivered major digital transformation whilst clearly understanding their responsibility towards sustainability and improving the way people live and work.
“At Hewlett Packard Enterprise we believe that as organisations become increasingly cloud enabled and data-driven, we will be well positioned to address our greatest challenges.
“The answers to many issues humanity faces are buried in huge amounts of data – if we start to apply innovative technology to process and analyse this data, then we will be able to provide a lot of answers to critical challenges in fields such as medicine, space exploration and climate change,” continues Waters.
In September 2018, HPE announced a partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF), and jointly launched Tech Impact 2030 to put technology to work to tackle global challenges and achieve real change for society.
“Hewlett Packard Enterprise is collaborating with the WEF on Tech Impact 2030 – the project brings together industry, technology, academia and government leaders who share the same values in making meaningful societal changes, focusing mainly on world hunger.”
The impact of e-waste on the planet is an important focus area. Waters was quick to explain that sustainability is embedded in HPE’s culture.
“My belief as a tech leader, and the shared belief at HPE, is that tech sustainability is one of the most important challenges facing our planet. As we continue to use more and more of our technology to benefit society, we are also very aware that we need to drive a culture of reuse and efficiency to help the planet.”
“Hewlett Packard Enterprise is fighting and winning this war on e-waste thanks to our Technology Renewal Centres (TRCs).”
HPE GreenLake also delivers technology solutions as an automated consumption service. Waters explained that before organisations would have purchased hardware that would depreciate and become obsolete. HPE consumption services manage the lifecycle of technology assets in a sustainable and efficient manner meaning that customers only pay for what they use.
“When this lifecycle asset capability is embedded in our consumption service, the sustainability benefits are obvious. We have disrupted the established technology model to provide our full portfolio as a service. Our GreenLake solution is enabling this transformation,” explains Waters.
Discussing their plans in the Middle East, Waters explains that the region is a priority for HPE and they are increasing their investments.
“The Middle East is a priority region where we are increasing our investments. Our business has been growing ahead of the market, we have great local talent and our technological capability is well aligned with the ambitions of the region. So we have all of the tools and all of the heritage. We are here to compete. We are here to win,” says Waters.
“An example of our investment is our new Dubai office, a state-of-the-art digital workplace that our employees feel proud to work in. Having a good working environment stimulates creativity and collaboration, and that’s at the core of what we do.”
HPE has also recently announced the Digital Life Garage which is part of a global initiative to establish a series of next-generation HPE innovation centres around the world that aim to transform how technology impacts society at large.
“We will create a place of collaboration and partnership that drives innovation and ideas between individuals and organisations – it all leads back to our core purpose to advance the way people live and work.
“The Digital Life Garage will be a hotbed for scientific research, home-grown high-performing technology solutions and ground-breaking technology innovations that will impact and benefit local businesses, as well as government organisations and our own customers and partners. Development of next generation skills will also be a key focus.”