
Tell your boss anything with new anonymous website

British Columbia-based social start-up Happiily, has announced a new website which allows employees to give feedback to managers with total anonymity.

The company’s Tell Your Boss Anything site is the modern age’s equivalent of the old suggestion box. Managers who wish to institute the system can purchase a manager account for $20 and invite workers to use the service.

Naturally, the product includes stringent filtering mechanisms to prevent it from being used as a simple medium for abuse. What’s more, said founder Tom Williams, Tell Your Boss Anything will soon turn the suggestion box into a source of real insight into what’s going on in the office.

“The Tell Your Boss Anything product will get features rolled out in the next few weeks that will have a little bit more insights around ‘what are the issues that are getting the most feedback?'” he said. “We’ll be doing some informatics and dashboard roll-up stuff.”

The site is a small spin-off of Happiily’s main product, a set of web applications that allows businesses to track mood and gain a sense of what their employees are thinking about. That service is priced on a per-seat basis, and – for anonymity reasons – is primarily aimed at businesses with more than a few dozen employees.

The genesis of Happiily, according to Williams, occurred when the team was working on a system that would allow conference attendees to rate each other in terms of professional clout. They quickly realised that the project could be suited for day-to-day use, superseding yearly or quarterly surveys as core employee feedback mechanisms.

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