As a first-time participant at GISEC, AccessData aims to use the event as a platform to showcase its key capabilities in the security space and connect with potential customers.
What is the primary highlight of your participation at GISEC 2016?
After nearly 30 years, we are more passionate than ever about revolutionising digital investigations and litigation support. GISEC is our opportunity to demo our latest 6.0 release and discuss the
benefits of our integrated incident response, digital forensics and e-discovery solutions powered by a single, forensically secure database.
What do you believe are the technology trends that will impact the security landscape regionally?
The Middle East is becoming a major source of cybercrime due to growth of users with low security awareness. We are focused on building up our forensics and incident response capabilities within organizations in the region to partner on a comprehensive IR strategy.
How do you see the regional security landscape developing over the next few years?
With the rise of huge network structures, rise in BYOD users, and the growth in number of IOT devices, organizations and users are more vulnerable and the attacks are getting more sophisticated. This is particularly true for malwares which has the capability of polymorphism. The region is the target of higher-than-average number of industrial and government cyber-espionage attacks; the region has been the victim of many advanced persistent threat (APT) campaigns that seem to originate from other nation states, such as Duqu, Flame, Gauss, Mahdi, and the infamous Stuxnet. Given the current geo-political climate in the region, it is very important that organizations have a proper security strategy in place.