“The attack was widespread and cost billions, and North Korea is directly responsible,” wrote Homeland Security adviser to President Donald Trump Tom Bossert.
News, Security, Software
Edward Snowden launches new security app
Edward Snowden, together with the Freedom of the Press Foundation and Guardian Project, has created Haven - an open source app that can run on any Android phone and turn it into a surveillance system.1 2987New ransomware and spyware target Apple Mac computers
Security experts have uncovered new dangerous forms of ransomware and spyware targeting Mac computers.
Report: NSA has little success cracking Tor
The US National Security Agency has repeatedly tried to compromise Tor, the government-funded online anonymity tool, but has had little success, according to a new report in the UK’s Guardian.
How to protect your PC from PRISM surveillance
Thursday afternoon, a bombshell dropped: Two leading reports claimed that the U.S. government has been spying on emails, searches, Skype calls, and …