Long hours? Likely. A healthy work-life balance? Probably not. Despite the challenges of working in tech, most IT pros are …
Software developer wages fall 2% as workforce expands
The U.S. tech industry added nearly 64,000 software-related jobs last year, but as the workforce expanded, the average size of …
Whose job is it, anyway?
A growing number of Middle East CIOs are hiring specialised service providers to manage their organisation’s infrastructure. Is this the …
Linux professionals in demand – study
Linux professionals are in demand – around 75 percent of them have said that they have been contacted by a …
IT salaries see gender gap shrink
The field of IT is notorious for being persistently male-dominated, but that doesn’t mean women still suffer from a gender gap …
US comes up short on security experts
According to a pair of recently released reports, demand for information security experts in the United States is outstripping the …
IT boasts 100,000 new jobs in first half of 2012
TechAmerica has released its latest job report which showed job gains in 16 of the last 18 months. In that …
Big data to create 1.9M IT jobs in U.S. by 2015, says Gartner
There were a lot of reasons for Gartner researchers to give a gloomy economic outlook at its Symposium/ITxpo conference here, …
EU outlines plans to create 2.5m new jobs in the cloud
The European Commission has announced a new strategy to speed up and increase the use of cloud computing, with the …
Digital media increases demand for IT specialists
The sudden increase in the number of digital media companies offering social media, internet marketing and cloud computing solutions in …