Rick Koopman – EMEA HPC and AI Technical Leader – Lenovo Data Centre Group, discusses how the company is supporting …

Rick Koopman – EMEA HPC and AI Technical Leader – Lenovo Data Centre Group, discusses how the company is supporting …
HPE has custom-designed a new supercomputer for NASA’s Ames Research Center to support modeling and simulations of entry, descent, and landing (EDL) for the agency’s missions and Artemis programme.
China has maintained its lead in the biannual ranking of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, with the Chinese National University of Defense Technology’s Tianhe-2 system bringing 33.86 petaflop/s (quadrillions of calculations per second) to the table.
China has produced a supercomputer capable of 54.9 petaflops, more than twice the speed of any system in the U.S., …
Supercomputer manufacturer Cray has expanded its portfolio of systems for the technical enterprise market. The company’s newest machine, the Cray …
The world’s fastest supercomputer, Titan, located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee, is deploying a new storage system …
Not fazed by a takeover battle looming on the sidelines, members of Dell’s research division are putting together the pieces …
Dell has developed a line of servers based on designs the company is using in an upcoming 10-petaflop supercomputer called …
iHub Nairobi, a tech incubator, is set to become home to the second supercomputer in Africa, targeting mobile developers, gamers, …
Intel has agreed to buy specific high-performance-computing interconnect assets from server company Cray, the chip maker said on Tuesday. Intel …