Taking the cloud public

No technology has bulldozed its way onto the global scene and promised to revolutionise enterprise IT as much as cloud computing.

Architecting your future

With new technologies seemingly always on the horizon, data exploding, and multiple solutions required to support all the intricacies of business, keeping a hold over your IT is becoming increasingly complicated. Enterprise architecture (EA) tools have emerged to allow CIOs the complete infrastructure visibility they require.

Growth by numbers

CNME catches up with Jean-Luc Lasnier, General Manager, MEA, Orange, to see what part this region is playing in the firm’s ‘Conquests 2015’ strategy.

CIO Spotlight: The best of home

Using the high-octane approach to IT found in his hometown of Manila, the University of Wollongong in Dubai’s Joseph Aninias has emerged to become one of the most respected IT heads in the UAE.

The dus and don'ts of social media

Following two days of social media meltdown, du came back to its customers with an option to opt out of new, higher-priced packages. Tom Paye asks, does this prove the power of social media?

Quick as a flash

Many businesses are doing away with their traditional storage systems, opting instead for all-flash arrays.

A cloudy forecast

Cloud is changing the distribution landscape, and though the channel is a critical enabler of cloud adoption, distributors have to rethink their business models to adapt to this new reality.


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