The back-up plan

Deduplication is seen as an important strategy for data recovery, with the idea being if data is reduced, not only …

Virtually misguided

Vendors and industry leaders appear to have led the formation of an almost ubiquitous assumption that desktop virtualisation is something …

Video conferencing for every budget

LifeSize CEO Colin Buechler was in Dubai recently to attend the company’s annual EMEA partner conference. He spoke to use about his company’s go-to-market strategy and what sets it apart from competitors.

A fashionable move

When PC Peripherals company, Canyon, launched its limited edition range of products, Chrome,  at the Canyon Xperience in Amsterdam, it …

Brocade snaps up Vyatta

Brocade today has announced that it will acquire privately held Vyatta in an all-cash transaction. Vyatta provides software-based network operating …

Preventing a storm

A happy worker is a productive worker, or so the saying goes. Motivation and a positive working environment can be …

Racing to the top

Faced with fierce competition and churn, telecom service providers in the region are forced to overhaul customer experience to stay …

Getting worse

With the problem of hacking and its consequences on enterprise only exacerbating, CNME rounds up the views and tips from …


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