Emirates NBD has introduced a virtual reality (VR) Academy that enables the bank to provide a more intuitive and engaging learning experience for its employees.

The mobile based initiative provides nugget-sized learning modules through interactive sessions that each take about five minutes to complete.
The programme is being rolled out initially to the bank’s Priority Banking and Business Banking relationship management teams, helping to further sharpen their knowledge and enable enhanced customer service delivery.
Hussam Al Hashmi, head of – Business Banking and Priority Banking, Emirates NBD, said, “Studies show that the average human attention span with optimal grasping power is ten minutes, which reduces the effectiveness of long drawn, conventional classroom training.”
Al Hashimi added that the new Emirates NBD VR Academy offers a fresh approach to training with experiential learning that promotes understanding of a customer’s perspective on real-life scenarios in a virtual environment. “We are confident this initiative will result in deeper learning among staff and better service for our customers,” he said.
VR is increasingly being adopted by organisations to support learning and development. VR embeds the users inside an experience instead of just viewing it on a screen, using high quality visualisation that have a positive impact on the learning process and allowing replication of real life situations without the risks and consequences possible in everyday life.