As virtualization stretches deeper into the enterprise to include mission-critical and resource-intensive applications, IT executives are learning that double-digit physical-to-virtual …
Cisco to unleash data center extensions
Cisco next week is expected to unveil new and enhanced data center products that are designed to more easily interconnect …
Planning for virtualization? Beware of server overload
As virtualization stretches deeper into the enterprise to include mission-critical and resource-intensive applications, IT executives are learning that double-digit physical-to-virtual …
Father of Linux calls Nexus One smartphone 'a winner'
Google's Nexus One got a big time endorsement over the weekend from Linux kernel developer Linus Torvalds, who blogged about …
Cisco to unleash data center extensions
Cisco next week is expected to unveil new and enhanced data center products that are designed to more easily interconnect …
Mobile traffic helps push up optical demand
Demand for high-speed links to cell sites and homes will rejuvenate sales of optical network equipment this year and help …
IE more popular than you think, researcher says
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) is used much more often than most assume, a researcher asserted. According Devil Mountain Software, nearly …
IE more popular than you think, researcher says
Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) is used much more often than most assume, a researcher asserted. According Devil Mountain Software, nearly …
Garmin-Asus to show its first GPS smartphone of 2010
Garmin-Asus plans to display its first GPS smartphone of 2010, the M10, loaded with the latest version of Microsoft Windows …
Meet the Motorola Devour, Verizon’s New Android Phone
Motorola is adding another device into its Android arsenal. The Motorola Devour, officially announced on Wednesday, will be available on …
Garmin-Asus to show its first GPS smartphone of 2010
Garmin-Asus plans to display its first GPS smartphone of 2010, the M10, loaded with the latest version of Microsoft Windows …
Meet the Motorola Devour, Verizon's New Android Phone
Motorola is adding another device into its Android arsenal. The Motorola Devour, officially announced on Wednesday, will be available on …
Maturing MFPs, colour printing market
Express changes in the corporate printing market are leading to increased awareness and use of such technologies as managed print …
Nokia Mini N97: Strong hardware, OS dated
The Mini also gets the bonus of kinetic "flick" scrolling, which greatly improves Web and menu navigation. But the Mini …
Cloud security: Try these techniques now
For Logiq³ Inc., the decision to go with a cloud-based provider of IT infrastructure as a service (IaaS) was a …
Apple makes $208 on each $499 iPad
The $499 version of the new iPad tablet actually runs Apple about $270 in materials and manufacturing costs, a Wall …
Amazon pulls plug on, then bows to publisher in e-book row
After a brief protest, will continue to sell e-book titles from Macmillan despite the publisher's decision to raise prices …
Apple makes $208 on each $499 iPad
The $499 version of the new iPad tablet actually runs Apple about $270 in materials and manufacturing costs, a Wall …
Cloud security: Try these techniques now
For Logiq³ Inc., the decision to go with a cloud-based provider of IT infrastructure as a service (IaaS) was a …
Dark clouds gather over online security
Google may have threatened to leave China in order to keep us all from concluding that “the cloud” can't be …