Resource reach

Charles Phillips is an industry heavyweight. The Infor CEO was a member of Barack Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board and …

NSA ‘monitored North Korean networks’ since 2010

The U.S. National Security Agency has had a secret foothold for years in North Korea’s networks and saw signs of the Sony Pictures Entertainment attack but only in retrospect grasped its reach and depth, The New York Times has reported.

US and UK to step up cyber defence plans

The U.S. and Great Britain are stepping up their collaboration to fight digital threats by planning to launch more attacks against each other to test their defences and deter potential enemies.

From bullets to bits

In addition to dealing with cybercriminals and hacktivists, enterprise security managers must pay increasing attention to avoid becoming collateral to nation-state cyber-warfare. Do recent high profile attacks on the region indicate that Middle Eastern businesses are at greater risk of attack, and what damage can cyber warfare inflict?

Chinese hackers target Iraq experts

A sophisticated Chinese hacker group that had been stealing information from U.S. policy experts on nearby Southeast Asia suddenly changed targets last month to focus on the Middle East – Iraq, in particular – security researchers CrowdStrike said Monday.

NSA granted extension to collect bulk phone data

The U.S. National Security Agency has been allowed to continue to collect phone records in bulk of people in the country, while lawmakers consider new legislation that would block the agency from collecting the data.


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