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Revealed: The Facebook posts World Cup fans have liked the most this summer

Facebook has revealed the top content from the World Cup’s group stages from users both globally and in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Up until June 28th, the five most discussed players globally were Messi, Neymar, Cristiano Ronaldo, Coutinho, and Egypt’s Mohamed Salah. The most discussed teams were the Brazilian National team followed by the Argentinean, Mexican, Russian, and the Portuguese teams. The most loved post globally was Messi’s profile picture.

In the MENA region, over 11 million users on Facebook discussed the Egyptian National Team, while more than 10 million discussed the Moroccan team. The Saudi Arabia National Team was discussed more than 9 million times, and more than 7.5 million discussed the Tunisian team.

Mo Salah’s video message about being ready to play for a ‘100 million strong’ was the most loved post in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia. In Morocco, Aziz Bouhaddouz’s post on June 16th was the most loved one. In Tunisia, the most loved post was ‘We Are From Here’ by the Palestine’s Mobile Network Operator, Jawal.

In 2014, over 350 million people on Facebook shared an astonishing three billion posts, comments, and likes related to the tournament.

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