A cloudy forecast

The forecast for unified communications in the cloud seems bright with clear skies ahead. Alan Shen, Vice President of Consulting Services, Unify Square, weighs in on the benefits and pitfalls of UC in the cloud.

The in-thing

In a world driven by as-a-service models, telco providers stand to suffer if they do not get their fair share of the services they provide. How can they differentiate themselves in terms of delivering Internet of Things infrastructure, and what hurdles must be overcome in this process?

Mubarik Hussain, Head of IT, Petroserv

Fresh infrastructure: the grass is greener

Bogged down by legacy systems and stubborn employees, Petroserv’s IT was suffering. The Qatari firm’s Head of IT, Mubarik Hussain, shares his story of how he instigated a complete technology overhaul, and has since reaped the rewards.


Cisco launches new NFVI solution

Cisco recently introduced its new NFV Infrastructure Solution (NFVI), which according to the company, combines both virtual and physical environments, and provides all the necessary compute, storage, and networking infrastructure to run NFV network services.

Making the grade

Perhaps one of the most important foundations for any nation’s success is its education system. Endeavouring to meet the high standards of the UAE’s capital, Abu Dhabi Education Council implemented a modern enterprise management solution to create an integrated system within its networks.

View from the tower

The state of the region’s telecoms is to an extent polarised. While markets such as the UAE have the world’s highest smartphone penetration rate, other providers are in the midst of catching up with the demand for digital services, and providing greater bandwidth for rural areas. Here’s what the Middle East can expect in 2016.

Infoblox launches Q3 2015 DNS Threat Index

Infoblox recently announced that the creation of DNS infrastructure by cybercriminals to unleash exploit kits increased 75 percent in third quarter of 2015 from the same period in 2014, as reported in the newest edition of the Infoblox DNS Threat Index.

eHDF confirms participation at GITEX

eHosting DataFort (eHDF) has recently confirmed its participation at this year’s GITEX Technology Week. During their participation the company will showcase its enhanced managed hosting, cloud infrastructure and disaster recovery services.


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