Acronis CISO outlines how it is helping its customers combat cyberattacks

CNME Editor Mark Forker spoke to Kevin Reed, CISO, at Acronis, to discuss how the security landscape has evolved since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept that security is everybody’s responsibility – and the role Acronis is playing in terms of equipping its customers with the solutions to combat cyberattacks following the move to remote working.

Enviroserve CEO believes we can do more to build a better sustainability ecosystem

CNME Editor Mark Forker spoke to Lyes Yahiaoui, CEO at Enviroserve, a global leader in electronics recycling, to find out more about the key role they are playing in terms of helping the UAE meet its sustainability targets, the efforts being made by the IT industry to reduce its carbon footprint – and how the UAE needs to introduce new legislation that encourages greater sustainability across the board.

CyberSiara use unique characteristics of the human eye to tackle cybercriminals

CNME Editor Mark Forker managed to secure an exclusive interview with Dr. Mohammad Reza Beheshti, Founder and CTO at CyberSiara, and Neil Shah, CEO at CyberSiara, to find out how their incredible solution based on the unique characteristics of the human eye is leading the fight against cybercriminals targeting online forms and captcha technology.

IBM enable Instant Payments in KSA

CNME Editor Mark Forker spoke to Elhadji Cisse, Executive Partner and MEA Head of Core Banking & Payments, IBM Global Business Services about the shift towards a cashless society, the role it is playing in the first instant payments system in the KSA – and how the company has sustained its success over the years.


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