The digital customer

The face of the telecom customer is changing. Our smartphone obsession has long since transformed our devices from a simple means of communication, to an irreplaceable machine that takes care of our every need.

View from the tower

The state of the region’s telecoms is to an extent polarised. While markets such as the UAE have the world’s highest smartphone penetration rate, other providers are in the midst of catching up with the demand for digital services, and providing greater bandwidth for rural areas. Here’s what the Middle East can expect in 2016.

Mining the gold in the IoT

Jamie Longmuir, Regional Director, Software Monetisation, Gemalto, gives insight on how businesses can take advantage on the wealth of opportunities brought by IoT.

A suit of armor

As various emerging technologies become popular in business environments, security is a prime concern for organisations. Reseller Middle East explores how partners can make the most of the opportunities present here.

Strength in numbers

It can be painful for an organisation to admit that their systems have been breached by a cyber-criminal. However, as cyber-attacks become more aggressive, it is essential that data on cyber-criminality is shared and analysed. It may be that sharing this data, even among competitors, will be the key to protecting our most sensitive information.

Bring your own decision

As mobility becomes essential in business operations, enterprises need to decide how to handle their employee base when it comes to device usage in the workplace. Be it employer-provided devices or BYOD, enterprise mobility plans need to be both robust and adaptive.

Safety on the go

There is no question that the use of mobile devices, both personally and professionally, are now not only convinient, but necessary for productivity. As the mobile technology develops, mobile security best practices must also adapt.

New connections

M2M communications are already being implemented across industries. As we move forward into creating a more connected world, early adopters are looking to streamline the adoption process.

Lessons learned

2014 has already gone down in history as the year of the data breach. As we move into the new year, what have we learned from our past that will aid us in the futures.

Everything connected

The Internet of Things (IoT) is undeniably on the rise. A future of connected devices feeding data into the cloud may bring untold benefits, however, the prospect also brings up some concerns.

Work release

Employees and employers alike are embracing the move to mobile technology in the workplace. For employees, this means a greater amount a freedom when it comes to when and where they work. For employers, mobile technology can mean a boost in productivity and efficiency.

Malicious mobility

From paying bills on our smartphones to banking on our tablets, we are living more and more of our lives on our mobile devices. However, with all of this agility comes a measure of concern.

Wi-Fi to the rescue

Wi-Fi promises many benefits for cellular operators looking to meet the ever-increasing bandwidth needs and ease congestion on their networks.

Telecoms outlook 2014

It would seem that the telecoms world saw something of a shift during 2013. While margins from traditional revenue streams surrounding voice and text continued to fall, demand for data went through the roof, and it continues to climb. Undoubtedly, 2013 was the year of mobile data.

To boldly go…

For Star Trek fans, it seems like a long time ago since the Starship Enterprise attempted to boldly go where …

The moving target

The advent of mobility and its infiltration on enterprise has birthed a whole new type of security risk, and as …


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