Ben Rossi

Nationwide dominance

Tom Quirke, VP and General Manger of Motorola Solutions’ Global TETRA Organisation, tells CNME that the worldwide leader in TETRA technologies has set its sights on the Middle East.

Throwing down the gauntlet

At the Airheads Conference 2013, Aruba’s CEO and CTO promised to “fire back” at Cisco, which they accused of unfair and underhand tactics.

WatchGuard rates highest in UTM

WatchGuard Technologies has been awarded a “Performance Verified Certification” by independent test lab, Miercom, for performing nearly 3.5 times faster …

Everything and all

Cisco is in the hefty transition between networking giant and total IT company. At Cisco Live! 2013 in Florida, it claimed the vehicle to get it there will be a new business group and partner ecosystem revolved around the ‘Internet of Everything’. Ben Rossi reports.

Do-it-yourself Big Data

Gulf Air shunned the expensive solutions of the big vendors jumping on the Big Data bandwagon, and became the first Middle East organisation to implement the technology by embracing open-source software with an in-house team.

In-memory of disk storage

CIOs’ ears perked up a couple of months ago when Gartner declared that in-memory computing (IMC) is racing towards mainstream adoption, and that CIOs must reskill their teams if they want to fully exploit it.

The dilemma

When the Commercial Bank of Dubai’s storage capacity was running out, it faced a dilemma familiar to many — increase capacity and face the maintenance costs, or take on a complete technology refresh.

Safe investment

Quickly expanding strategic investment company, Tawazun, recently teamed up with Huawei in order to commit to its mission to develop the UAE’s defence sector. The company deployed Huawei’s IPv6-based solution across its vast industrial site, as it aims to ensure faster surveillance response times, a stronger technological backbone, and the capabilities for flexibility and expansion.

MVNO can do

With Saudia Arabia’s telecoms regulator, the CITC, set to award the country’s first three mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) licences in the coming quarter, Ben Rossi examines why — contrary to other regions — they are yet to play a major part in the Middle East’s telecoms industry.


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