Visa cardholders in Saudi Arabia can now make easy, quick and secure purchases using their iPhone and Apple Watch in stores that accept contactless payments.

Visa cardholders in Saudi Arabia can now make easy, quick and secure purchases using their iPhone and Apple Watch in stores that accept contactless payments.
Sohar International has recently integrated biometric authentication technology into its mobile banking services.
Apple has said that it has fixed a privacy flaw in its group video chat software and that it plans to improve how it handles reports of software bugs.
Apple has reportedly demanded $1 billion as an “incentive payment” from Qualcomm Inc in order for the chipmaker to become the supplier of modem chips for iPhones, Qualcomm’s chief executive testified on Friday.
In an unusual step, Apple has slashed its quarterly sales forecast, with chief executive Tim Cook attributing it to decelerating …
UAE-based telecommunications service provider du, from Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC) has announced the availability of eSIM on iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR.
Qualcomm said it had won a preliminary order from a Chinese court banning the importation and sale of several Apple Inc iPhone models in China that the court found violated two of Qualcomm patents, Reuters reported.
Apple plans to hold off until at least 2020 before offering an iPhone that can connect to the next generation of high-speed phone services coming next year.
Apple is once again heading to court after customers reportedly file a suit alleging that the company is exploiting its market dominance to inflate the price of iPhone apps.
iPhone manufacturer Apple has cut production orders in recent weeks for all three iPhone models launched in September, the Wall …