Building hybrid clouds

Bringing the strengths of public and private cloud together in an optimal fashion can help enterprises keep their core legacy systems and leverage existing investment. However, it takes careful planning to get started on the journey to a hybrid model. We find out what it takes for enterprises to join the hybrid cloud bandwagon.

Flash transforms storage technology

Elavarasu Shanmugam, Storage Sales Leader, Gulf Business Machines, highlights the less-known aspects of flash storage, in an age where increasing number of organisations are opting for analytics, and the requirement for low latency and quicker responses from storage is on the rise.

Taking stock

As data is generated by the minute through various mediums, Reseller ME explores the channel’s role in optimising storage solutions.

How to simplify your infrastructure

It’s a cold, hard fact that enterprises are putting more strain on their networks now than ever before. On top of this, never before has the risk of downtime been more pertinent―businesses simply can’t afford for their networks to be down, even momentarily, meaning the pressure is on CIOs to ensure that all services are up-and-running all of the time.

The worse for malware

Through the advent of mobility, smartphones and tablets are now more dangerous devices to enterprises than laptops and PCs.
Mobile malware continues to proliferate, and at the same time employees are insisting on bringing their personal devices to work.

Taking the cloud public

No technology has bulldozed its way onto the global scene and promised to revolutionise enterprise IT as much as cloud computing.

Architecting your future

With new technologies seemingly always on the horizon, data exploding, and multiple solutions required to support all the intricacies of business, keeping a hold over your IT is becoming increasingly complicated. Enterprise architecture (EA) tools have emerged to allow CIOs the complete infrastructure visibility they require.

Regional expertise

The Middle East is a strong growth market with a knack to leap-frogging technology and delivering impressive implementations. CIOs have been deploying solutions and applications which are keeping the region relevant, and though most global brands have a presence here, the landscape owes much to locality.

To boldly go…

For Star Trek fans, it seems like a long time ago since the Starship Enterprise attempted to boldly go where …

The mobility wave

Mobility is sweeping across the enterprises in the Middle East, creating bright opportunities for a channel reeling under pressure on …


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