Adding value

CNME looks at third party trainers and how they can contribute to the development of both university students and internal …

The philosopher

Following his graduation from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore, Sudarsan Chakravarthy, intended to establish a career in the …


Video conferencing (VC) represents a steadily maturing technology that offers the channel huge opportunities. We speak to vendors and partners …

Choice partner

CNME asked CIOs to name and explain the elements that they believed made for a strong partnership. Here’s what they …

Making it work

Storage systems can prove to be challenging to deploy and use within organisations. Vendors suggest choosing the latest in technologies …

Beyond the hype

Nobody can seem to stop talking about virtualisation and all the supposedly wonderful benefits it gives enterprises. It has gradually …

Honouring innovation

The recipients of the Network World Middle East’s 3rd annual awards were announced at a gala ceremony in Dubai last …

Banking on the channel

With the software solutions market being touted as the sector that holds lots of opportunities for solution providers in the …

Riding on hope

No surprises in the fact that the first half of 2009 has been among the most testing times for the …


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