Daniel Shepherd

Ransomware on the Rise

Ransomware is on the rise again. A recent industry report found that ransomware attacks increased by 150% in the last year, while blockchain research firm Chainalysis saw a 311% increase, year on year, to the end of 2020 in the number of actual ransomware attacks. Ransomware is also a growing concern in the Middle East region, as attack frequency and sophistication rose significantly since last year.

Interview with Chris Kubic, Fidelis

Chris Kubic, Chief Information Security Officer, Fidelis Cybersecurity, talks with Anita Joseph, Reseller ME, about cybersecurity concerns, how companies can prioritise security spends and the future of cybersecurity.

An Edge Computing Breakup: Out with the Old, and In with the New

When COVID-19 arrived in early 2020, enterprises’ first priority was to patch together a communications and information-sharing infrastructure that could sustain operations until work could return to normal. More than a year later, returns are on hold, and enterprises are rethinking their visions of “normal.” They’re reimagining their workplaces and their business practices, embracing more flexible models that take advantage of the benefits of edge technologies.


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