A class apart

Youssef Fawaz, Managing Director, Middle East, Dimension Data, discusses how the company’s managed cloud platform enables it to stand out from competition.

Redefining perspectives

Nael AL-DOUJAILI, Managing Director MEA, IB-Remarketing, Global IT Support & Maintenance Services, on the business of recycling and reusing IT products.

Mastering the data

Moving virtual servers around a hybrid cloud environment isn’t hard, but managing the data is. That’s why NetApp wants to be “the enterprise data-management standard across the enterprise,” says CEO Tom Georgens.

Rack to the future

Data centre technology is rapidly changing. With the advent of virtualisation and increasing speed and agility may come a sense of impending doom for IT staff. However, more efficient centres do not necessarily mean the end of a robust technical department.

Indulging in analytics

Big Data analysis can give businesses a great deal of insight into their processes, weaknesses and strengths. However, over-investment and lack of planning in these projects can result in a waste of resources for already stretched budgets.

Nadella seeks to axe failing hardware

Microsoft’s quarterly financials are out, and they paint a startlingly clear picture of why new CEO Satya Nadella is in such a hurry to scuttle away from the “devices and services” mantra rolled out by former honcho Steve Ballmer just last year.

To boldly go

Ahmed Yahya, Chief Information Officer, Sheikh Khalifa Medical Centre, takes time out to speak to CNME about his career journey which led him to the Abu Dhabi firm.

Cutting edge

With the systems integrators market evolving, IT leaders have the opportunity to tailor their skills to specific verticals and areas of SI specialisation. Which verticals offer the best opportunities for growth and what types of projects will SIs have to specialise in?

Digging for gold

Intensified competition coupled with declining voice ARPU is forcing telecom service providers to look around for new revenue streams that some of the new advanced technologies offer. However, it can be a daunting task for carriers who are saddled with legacy systems and manual internal processes.

Talking shop

Reseller Middle East’s fifth annual Partner Excellence Conference rallied together the channel community to discuss emerging market trends and evolving business operations.

Removing barriers

Florian Malecki, EMEA Product & Solutions Director, Dell, discusses how partners can take advantage of the opportunities present across business units, thanks to the integration of the SonicWall programme.

Need for speed

IT managers around the world are falling in love with SSDs (solid state drives) in enterprise servers because they solve two major headaches: they run fast enough to replace multiple HDDs (hard disk drives) and they help reduce the electric bill.


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