Epicor, a global leader of industry-specific enterprise software designed to promote business growth, today shared findings from “The Evolving Role of …
89% of IT managers believe their role will change: Aruba study
BYOD, cloud and virtualisation will transform the role of the IT manager from technical specialist to central business communicator, according …
Is this man the next CEO of HP?
Many analysts and journalists have recently hinted that Meg Whitman’s successor will be hired internally, and Bill Veghte’s name has …
CIOs need to rethink their roles, MIT symposium panelists say
By now, it’s become a tired old tech industry bromide: CIOs need to be business-savvy. But while that sentiment remains …
Striving for excellence
Mohammed Zameer, General Manager, Al Rostamani Communications
Lost at C-level
Has the time finally arrived when CIOs should be looking over their shoulders at CDOs and CFOs hungry to snatch …