Technology behemoth HP has identified 'converged infrastructure architecture' as the next trend in the building of future data centres.
This “converged infrastructure” approach, according to Fawwaz Qadan, Director of Enterprise Storage, Servers, and Networking(ESSN) HP Middle East, combines existing technologies and some new ones, including an updated Neoview enterprise data warehousing platform, into one single offering.
HP's new approach of breaking the silos in the data centre is based on new research conducted on behalf of HP. According to HP's research findings based on interviews with more than 400 CIOs worldwide, more than 90 per cent of senior business decision-makers believe business cycles will continue to be unpredictable in the next few years. As a result, 80 per cent recognise a need to be far more flexible in their approaches to business and technology.
Another finding shows that 84 per cent of senior business leaders believe innovation will be critical to their organisation's success and 71 per cent would sanction more technology investments if they could see how those investments met their organisation's time-to market and business opportunity needs.
Embodying all of the attributes of the HP Converged Infrastructure Architecture, the HP BladeSystem Matrix has allowed Dubai Airport, UAE, one of world’s fastest growing airports, to turn technology from a cost center to a profit generator.
“To keep pace with rapid growth, we needed to consolidate IT resources from eight datacenters to four and turn IT into a profit generator,” said Ghanim Al Falasi, vice president, IT, Dubai Airport, UAE. “By adopting a converged infrastructure with HP BladeSystem Matrix and working with HP services, we achieved our goals, and created a green, highly responsive data center environment at a significantly lower cost of operations, while eliminating the complexities caused by IT sprawl.”
HP Converged Infrastructure architecture, delivers a technology environment that rapidly adjusts to meet changing needs. HP Converged Infrastructure addresses IT sprawl, the main cause of technology spend focused on maintenance instead of innovation.
In addition, new HP Converged Infrastructure Consulting Services help customers quickly and seamlessly transition from isolated product-centric technologies to a highly flexible converged infrastructure. Built on HP’s deep experience in shared services, cloud computing and data center transformation projects, the new services allow customers to design, test and implement highly scalable infrastructures.
The HP Converged Infrastructure, claims the company, eliminates technology silos and complexity in the data center while leveraging current technology investments. Through unified management, all assets become part of a resource pool that can be divided, assembled and changed to dynamically align to any business, workload or application need. The use of these resources is optimized across the infrastructure, allowing companies to improve utilization, lower energy use and reduce costs.
HP Converged Infrastructure Consulting services include IT maturity model workshops, assessments and proof-of-concept demos for Converged Infrastructure solutions such as the HP BladeSystem Matrix.
HP unveiled these new solutions and services in a two day event for customers and partner in UAE, educating them on the use of their existing technology investments in the planning, design and deployment of an HP Converged Infrastructure.