Acronis CISO outlines how it is helping its customers combat cyberattacks

CNME Editor Mark Forker spoke to Kevin Reed, CISO, at Acronis, to discuss how the security landscape has evolved since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept that security is everybody’s responsibility – and the role Acronis is playing in terms of equipping its customers with the solutions to combat cyberattacks following the move to remote working.

Targeted email attacks on the rise

According to Kaspersky researchers, another targeted threat to watch out for is corporate doxing, the process of gathering confidential information about an organisation and its employees without their agreement, to harm them or profit from it. Proliferation of publically available information, data leaks and advancement of technology are leading to a state in which tricking employees into giving out confidential information or even transferring funds is becoming easier than ever before.

To enable enterprises of all sizes you must be able to stay securely connected” – Computer Data Networks, Kuwait

CNME Editor Mark Forker secured an exclusive interview with Hanaa Al-Nashwan, Vice-President, Computer Data Networks, Kuwait, to learn how the IT leader has helped its customer become more resilient in the face of new threats that have emerged as a direct consequence of the global COVID-19 crisis.


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