The Madness of Ransomware ‘as a Service’

What is RaaS and what does that mean? Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) means that you can simply purchase a service online, on the Dark Web, and you can then take whoever you want hostage at will. So, if you want to get rich quickly, all you need is a connection to the dark web, a credit card or other way to pay, and reprehensible morals.

Publicis Sapient outline the importance of designing smart ‘connected’ destinations

CNME Editor Mark Forker managed to secure an exclusive interview with Sooho Choi, Global Head of Travel & Hospitality at digital transformation consultancy, Publicis Sapient, to find out more about the concept of smart destinations, and the challenge facing city planners in terms of ensuring connected IoT devices that fuel futuristic cities are robust and secure.


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