The 'mobile first' approach

IDC recently predicted that CIOs will be forced to take a ‘mobility first’ approach to building networks, whereby mobility solutions and BYOD policies are integrated into infrastructures. How accurate is this prediction, and is the Middle East really ready to put mobile first?

SophosLabs’ trends to watch in 2014

Major technology developments over the last year—and a series of revelations about the National Security Agency that shook the international security community—made 2013 an interesting year. In highlighting the past year’s security events, we’ve considered some emerging trends we are likely to see in the coming year.

The ‘Uncertainty Index’

The potential business impact of cyber attacks and data loss, along with high-profile data breaches experienced by organisations like LexisNexis andEvernote, seems to have done little to convince small and mid-size businesses that they should be making cyber security a priority.

Analysis: security weak spots

Reading the coverage of the recent breach of Adobe passwords, we learned that 1.9 million users used “123456” as their password. That’s right: out of 38 million cracked passwords, almost two million adults used ones more suited to five-year-olds.

Cyber-crime will not stop for Christmas

Threats lurk within networks, endpoints or devices, often hidden in poorly configured settings or permissions, ineffective data governance, access management and usage policies. These unseen threats come from all perimeters of the organisation and major trends such as BYOD, big data, cloud, and mobile apps have increased the challenge faced by IT leaders.


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